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When the story fades, it's time to turn the page. {Memoir Collection}

... I don't know much about a blog. In fact, I don't know and don't have a clue what's interesting to you. So I'll begin and just share here. The beginning. The end. The bittersweet laughter of what was. The heartache of what I thought could be. My opinion of resilience, obstacles, honor, goodness, and brokenness.

Y O U S E E .

When I put my fingers to the keyboard, I felt an overwhelming curse of shame & resentment, a doubt and hurt about where we are. My past ...The hope I called on... today seems like I lied. The picture today, looks painfully tragic in comparison to my dreams.

Have you ever dreamed this way? When you see it all tucked away behind a white picket fence...

I don't remember exactly where my story begins or why the picture faded. I do know, I'm ready to turn the page and get the words out.




The further I draw back... I see that this pain has been holding me back for a very long time.

January 10, 2015


What does is mean to feel alone in love? With unexpected fears and a drowning heart, when two people in love cannot understand each others language. Is that even something learnable? How intently must I listen in order to understand fully...


living each day waiting and then when he arrives to feel totally vulnerable, is this just a result of my shortcomings and all my complicated misfortune? Reveal the plan, tell me how to react, and overcome. I dont want to make the decisions alone.

This is the beginning... it's not any different than the end.



let me unfold the truth... I deserve the truth, and that's been given to me.

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